

  1. Candidate seeking consideration for the rank of renshi must first seek approval from their chief instructor and chief instructor approve application form. In the case that the chief instructor is the candidate, candidate must then submit application to their regional president or directly to the USNF President (in the case they may be either regional president/executive secretary).
  2. Once approved, candidate must submit application form to their regional president (candidate must include chief instructor and regional executive secretary in correspondence).
  3. The regional president must then inform the President of the USNF (include chief instructor, regional president, regional executive secretary and USNF Executive Secretary in correspondence).
  4. The President of the USNF will then inform the Shogo Committee (include chief instructor, regional president, regional executive secretary and USNF Executive Secretary in correspondence) to arrange a review of the candidate either after the annual March USNF Board Meeting or National Seminar.
    • Note to USNF Executive Secretary: AJNF must receive the application forms 30 days in advance. INF must receive the application forms 30 days before the AJNF deadline. This means the USNF Executive Secretary should send the INF forms about 60 days ahead of the AJNF deadline (include Shogo, candidate, regional president, regional executive secretary and USNF executive secretary). This should be double-checked with the INF Executive Secretary.

    • Note to Regional Executive Secretary and Candidate: Since the USNF forms are sent to the INF 60 days ahead of the AJNF deadline, it is required that the full renshi application is in hand, in both English and Japanese. Do not underestimate how long it will take to complete this form due to its length and will require dates and other data regarding the naginata career of the candidate. Do not underestimate how long it will take to complete this form due to its length and will require dates and other data regarding the naginata career of the candidate.

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